CTB #2: 5-7,12
Chapter 5:
How important is it to you to keep your name or take your partner's name if you marry?
For me, I personally don't think it matters! I'm open to keep my own name or my partner's name. When I was younger, I definitely had dreamt of taking my partner's name because having a name that was practically last in the alphabet never gave me extra benefits. Now that I'm in graduate school, it doesn't matter to me whether or not my name starts with a W. I also thought about if I were to become a doctor, an MD, or if I were to pursue a Doctorate's and have my PhD, I would most likely want to keep my name because I was the one who went through long years of education. (Wouldn't you?)
Chapter 6:
Look at the ads in magazines you enjoy reading. Describe the feminine and masculine ideals that are reflected in them.
The feminine ideals that are portrayed in this magazine ad is the feminine color and grace. The celebrity in this ad has a defined chin and sleek nose which embodies the feminine idealism of beauty. She also has long eyelashes and rosy cheeks indicating that females tend to be flirty and cheeky. The "mark" font that was used is also a feminine font in that it's defined yet soft and thin.
The masculine ideals that are portrayed in this magazine ad is prevalent through the female in the photo. Men want to feel and know that they're attractive and sought out. This ad does that with the female kissing his cheek. Men usually also want to feel like they're in control. This ad portrays that with his eyes looking straight into the camera as if saying "I'm just standing here. And look."
Chapter 7:
How did your parents model masculinity and femininity? Does your own embodiment of gender reflect their influences?
My traditional Asian parents modeled masculinity and femininity as one would think they would. My father fulfilled the masculine gender roles and mother fulfilled the feminine female gender roles. For most of their relationship, my father was the breadwinner in the family and my mother was the care-taker of the home and family. She would cook, clean and take care of the children. My dad would focus on making ends meet.
For a long time, their relationship heavily influenced my embodiment of gender. It was only after meeting my fiancé that I realized for some cultures, gender roles works. But as GenZ/Millennials in America, our relationship works better when we assume both "roles" and just accomplishes certain tasks as we go through it day by day. I have a tendency to want to take care of my partner and I also have a tendency to expect that he would pay for certain things, or make the first gestures, etc., but having no expectations results in our relationship to thrive.
Chapter 12:
Is bombing abortion clinics or killing doctors who provide abortion reproductive violence? If bombings and threats of them discourage medical professionals from performing abortions or if fear of harm discourages women from going to clinics, is that interference with their right to choose whether, when and with whom to reproduce?
Bombing abortion clinics and killing doctors who provide abortion is violence period. In this context, think that bombings and threats and causing fear is interference with their right to choose. If women have a right to choose, the natural act is to let women be. Doing anything else is keeping them from using their right.
The layout and presentation of this blog is very attractive. I both relate and agree with your views on the gender marketing for men and women. It is interesting that both are quite contrary. The use of the color pink in marketing to women seems to be more psychological and traditional versus the actual effect that color has. Likewise, men are portrayed to be pursuers yet the marketing depicts them as being pursued by women. Very interesting indeed. Thank you for sharing.